Sykes, Naccarato and Lisenfeld came to Wildfire from Silicon Valley based Silicon Graphics and Kozikowski by way of a Crown Systems Software out of Indianapolis, Indiana. By 2000, Wildfire had grown into a new facility with expanded hosting soluions and dial-up Internet access for the 618 area. Development focused on Wildfire's own websites and products like the early Wildfire CityPages and enterprise Internet applications for fortune 500 companies and midsize companies from Hawaii to New York.
When asked about the changes since the birth of Wildfire, Sykes said, "The two most obvious differences are speed and people. When we started Wildfire, our dedicated Frac T1 which ran at 56k costs the company about $1,500 a month. Kids today, heck me too, would cry if they had to run at 56k. But the most important change is the number of people using the Internet. At the company launch, we really thought everyone would be online in months -- maybe a year. It wasn't until the Internet was on everyone's phone before things really took off."
Now 25 years later, Wildfire is focusing on one of its original dreams, Wildfire CityPages. Today, The Wildfire CityPages represent a local search engine for individual communities. With the release of version 10 (CPX), businesses can fill the gap left by shrinking newspapers and yellow pages for $75/year.
"I still write Internet Application software everyday.", said Sykes. "And I believe all of the experience gained throughout the years can benefit every business looking to market their products and services."